Importance of SSL Certificates
September 16, 2022 No Comments Web Development Tarhib IT

Look at the search bar on your browser. You have just seen the sign of the lock just beside the URL of our web page. Do you know what it means? It means you are on web pages that are pretty much secure for you to browse. We don’t have any access to disclose your personal data or information. 

But, unfortunately, only 64% of websites are secured like ours. What about your website?  So, there’s much more to work for cyber security, and there’s much more to discuss as well.

SSL certificates and their importance that’s all we hope to cover in this article. 

What Are SSL Certificates?

SSL refers to Secure Socket Layer, a certificate of online security. A website with this SSL certificate is pretty much secure to browse. On the other hand, the website not having the SSL certificate means there are issues with personal security. 

More precisely, specialized encryption creates a difference between a website with an SSL certificate and a website that doesn’t. And, when the website doesn’t ensure specialized encryption, it means third parties, hackers, or others can get access to the personal data shared with the website. 

Moreover, the SSL cryptocracy works with two keys. One is the private key, and another is the public key. The public is open to the server to which the website you tend to visit is connected. The public key is used to encrypt information from the server. But you can only access the information if you have a private key. 

For this, when you share personal information with a website, the specialized encryption system ensures that the information can safely go to the server. And the public key is known to the server; it can encrypt the data comprehensively. 

What Are the Importance of SSL Certificates?

If you have SSL certificates on your website, you will be benefited on a larger scale. Meanwhile, if you can’t secure the SSL certificates, it will create a negative impression on your website.

  • Rank Higher on the Search Results

Back in 2014, Google, one of the most popular and visited search engines worldwide, declared that we would emphasize the website having an SSL certificate. Moreover, the reason is that Google always tries to ensure visitors can access useful content. If three is any issue with the security of users’ information, not only Google but also all the search engines won’t like to rank those websites. 

  • Improve User Experience

What if one of your potential customers has come to your website and suddenly notices your website is not secure enough and leaves your website within a few seconds? Is this something you want? Never, you would say. 

Especially if you have an an-commerce website, the fact becomes more acute. On the other hand, if your website has an SSL certificate, you can gain your potential customers’ trust and ensure a good user experience.

Lastly, we hope you’ve enjoyed the blog and if you don’t have an SSL certificate on your website, ensure that.

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