What is the Use of Web 3.0 Technology
August 24, 2022 No Comments Online Marketing Tarhib IT

Those days have gone when people treat web pages like newspapers. They didn’t have anything to do with the content they consumed. Luckily, the barriers of web 1.0 are removed in the more advanced version of web, web 2.0. 

With the emergence of web 2.0 technology, we have seen a paradigm shift in how people interact online. As a result, the online world has become more engaging where you can come in touch with the web in the easiest ways.  

You should have a decent idea about web 2.0 as you live in its era. Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are the core examples of web 2.0 technology.

Unfortunately, web 2.0 technology also has some limitations; if the limitations are eradicated, our life will be more decent in both online and offline life. 

Here’s the concept of web 3.0 technology, the third version of the World Wide Web (WWW). This web technology will possibly change the web concept that we are not used to yet. However, one of the main mottos of web 3.0 technology is to make the web more decentralize. Big internet giants like Google and Facebook won’t dominate the online world exclusively. 

What Are the Important Features of Web 3.0 Technology?

Now, we will point out some of the key features of web 3.0 technology.  After reading the section, you can have a decent idea about how we can benefit from the new version of the web. 


The core features or you can consider this as one of the features of web 3.0 technology. It will make browsing the internet a lot easier. For this, the ownership of web or personal data will no longer be in the hands of big giant companies. More precisely, the domination on the internet will be equally distributed to various companies. 

Ownership of Personal Database

This will be another most significant feature of web 3.0 technology. Here, you will have more access to your personal data. Sounds confusing? In the era of web 2.0 technology, you hardly have any security over your personal information. Moreover, all your online activity is tracked by the website you browse. 

That’s why you may see Facebook ads more frequently on your newsfeed. During the era of web 3.0 technology, websites can’t access your web data until you permit them to use it. 

Impressive Browsing Experience

Web 2.0 technology will boost your browsing experience. You will be more likely to find the answer to your queries within a short possible time. To be more precise, you will also see some differences in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) functionality. 

Furthermore, you will get a more personal browsing experience. Therefore, the websites you visit should helpfully show your content. However, it may also happen that different people will view the same website differently.  In addition, you will hardly have any server down during the web 3.0 technology.

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